avengers infinity war

J.A.T.H.E. | 2019/01/13: 2018 - We Didn't See It.

Tommy, Skippy and Greg review the movies of 2018...or at least the ones they had seen. And some they did not.

J.A.T.H.E. | 2018/08/12: Why This Basket

We talk about leaked Game of Thrones scripts, Doom Patrol, Batman's Wedding, The Twilight Zone, Letterkenny, The Crow 4 (Wicked Prayer), Spider-Man: Far From Home, The Oscards, and a lot more before finishing with a round of the Rotten Tomatoes games.

J.A.T.H.E. | 2018/05/06: Schindler's Taco Bell Combo

We talk about TV shows for a while, follow up on our Infinity War discussion (spoilers), play a very brief round of Undebeatable, and then play a great game that was inspired by ridiculous movie promotional items.

Here are the images that we were looking at while playing the game at the end of the show. All of these images are real. Also: If you want to play along, you might not want to view the gallery until after you listen, as it may spoil some of the items for you.

J.A.T.H.E. | 2018/01/14: Bruise Control

A year in preview for the movies of 2018. We discuss what's coming out and make predictions. Before that we play a round of Undebeatable and also talk weird dreams, Mary Roach, Lego, Star Wars comics, trades vs. Omnibus, and a lot more.